Luca Spinelli is a Swiss-Italian journalist and author. He has written for national newspapers and magazines, with commentary and front-page articles in: La Repubblica, La Stampa, Corriere della Sera, Il Manifesto, Wired, Punto Informatico, Articolo21, and others. He has authored investigations, attached to parliamentary inquiries, leading to legislative changes and national strikes. Among these, “give a meaning to degradation” – signed by Elio Veltri, Fiorello Cortiana, Mauro Bulgarelli, and others – and the drafting with Guìdo Scorza (Italian Data Protection Authority) of the related legislative bill. Main correspondences from: Milan, Zurich, Brussels. Main topics covered: innovation, culture, development policies, and related legislative frameworks. One of his articles was nominated for the Ischia International Journalism Award, and for several years he was among the most followed Italian journalistic bloggers (source Blogbabel).
He is the founder of the non-profit legal project Oscon, a non-profit project that promotes a widely adopted standard contract in Italy, which also provides pro bono legal and fiscal advising. He has managed communication projects for groups, law firms, and NGOs, and was part of the team for the official translation into Italian of the Creative Commons 4.0 licenses.
Having studied under Alessandro Dal Lago, Salvatore Palidda, and Carlo Freccero, he was a guest lecturer at the University of Genoa (course in Visual Communication Psychology) and for ten years a scientific and legal consultant on accessibility regulations for public administration (Faculty of Education Sciences). A former member of the Italian Ergonomics Society, he designed the first Italian university portal included in the ministerial list for accessibility.
After living for several years in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Germany, in recent years, he has led research, study, and conservation projects of cultural, historical, and urban assets in Liguria, particularly with an integrated approach using OSINT and traditional sources applied to historical-ethnographic research.
Luca Spinelli